A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder Read online

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  The cavern into which the chief led me was very spacious, but hadno light except that which entered through the portal. It was withdifficulty that I could see anything, but I found that there were manypeople here moving about, all as intent upon their own pursuits asthose which one encounters in the streets of our cities. As we wenton farther the darkness increased, until at last I lost sight of thechief altogether, and he had to come back and lead me. After goinga little farther we came to a long, broad passage-way like asubterranean street, about twenty feet in width, and as many inheight. Here there were discernible a few twinkling lamps, whichserved to make the darkness less intense and enabled me to see theshadowy figures around. These were numerous, and all seemed busy,though what their occupation might be I could not guess. I was amazedat the extent of these caverns, and at the multitude of the people. Isaw also that from the nature of their eyes the sunlight distressedthem, and in this cavern gloom they found their most congenialdwelling-place. From what I had thus far seen, this extraordinarypeople shrank from the sunlight; and when they had to move abroad theypassed over roads which were darkened as much as possible by the deepshadows of mighty ferns, while for the most part they remained indark caverns, in which they lived and moved and had their being. Itwas a puzzle to me whether the weakness of their eyes had causedthis dislike of light, or the habit of cave-dwelling had caused thisweakness of eyes. Here, in this darkness, where there was but a fainttwinkle from the feeble lamps, their eyes seemed to serve them as wellas mine did in the outer light of day; and the chief, who outside hadmoved with an uncertain step, and had blinked painfully at objectswith his eyes almost closed, now appeared to be in his proper element;and while I hesitated like a blind man and groped along with afaltering step, he guided me, and seemed to see everything withperfect vision.

  At length we stopped, and the chief raised up a thick, heavy mat whichhung like an unwieldly curtain in front of a doorway. This the chieflifted. At once a blaze of light burst forth, gleaming into the dark,and appearing to blind him. His eyes closed. He held up the veil forme to pass through. I did so. He followed, and then groped his wayslowly along, while I accompanied and assisted him.

  I now found myself in a large grotto with an arched roof, from whichwas suspended an enormous lamp, either golden or gilded. All aroundwere numerous lamps. The walls were adorned with rich hangings;couches were here, with soft cushions, and divans and ottomans; softmats were on the floor, and everything gave indications of luxury andwealth. Other doors, covered with overhanging mats, seemed to lead outof this grotto. To one of these the chief walked, and raising the mathe led the way into another grotto like the last, with the same brightlights and the same adornments, but of smaller size. Here I sawsomeone who at once took up all my attention.

  It was a young maiden. Her face and form, but especially her eyes,showed her to be of quite a different race from these others. To meshe was of medium height, yet she was taller than any of the peoplehere that I had hitherto seen. Her complexion was much lighter; herhair was dark, luxuriant, and wavy, and arranged in a coiffure securedwith a golden band. Her features were of a different cast from thoseof the people here, for they were regular in outline and of exquisitebeauty; her nose was straight; she had a short upper lip, archedeyebrows finely pencilled, thin lips, and well-rounded chin. But thechief contrast was in her eyes. These were large, dark, liquid, withlong lashes, and with a splendid glow in their lustrous depths. Shestood looking at me with her face full of amazement; and as I caughtthe gaze of her glorious eyes I rejoiced that I had at last found onewho lived in the light and loved it--one who did not blink like a bat,but looked me full in the face, and allowed me to see all her soulrevealed. The chief, who still was pained by the glare of light, kepthis eyes covered, and said a few hasty words to the maiden. After thishe hurried away, leaving me there.

  The maiden stood for a moment looking at me. As the chief spoke toher a change came over her face. She looked at me in silence, withan expression of sad and mournful interest, which seemed to increaseevery moment. At length she approached and said something in the samestrange language which the chief had used. I shook my head and repliedin English, whereupon she shook her head with a look of perplexity.Then, anxious to conciliate her, I held out my hand. She looked atit in some surprise. Upon this I took her hand, and pressed it to mylips, feeling, however, somewhat doubtful as to the way in which shemight receive such an advance. To my great delight she accepted it ina friendly spirit, and seemed to consider it my foreign fashion ofshowing friendship and respect. She smiled and nodded, and pointed tomy gun, which thus far I had carried in my hand. I smiled and laidit down. Then she pointed to a seat. I sat down, and then she seatedherself close by me, and we looked at each other in mutual wonder andmutual inquiry.

  I was full of amazement at thus meeting with so exquisite a being,and lost myself in conjectures as to her race, her office, and herposition here. Who was she, or what? She was unlike the others, andreminded me of those Oriental beauties whose portraits I had seen inannuals and illustrated books. Her costume was in keeping with sucha character. She wore a long tunic that reached from the neck to theground, secured at the waist with a golden girdle; the sleeves werelong and loose; over this she had a long mantle; on her feet werelight slippers, white and glistening. All about her, in her room andin her costume, spoke of light and splendor and luxury. To theseothers who shrank so from the light she could not be related in anyway. The respect with which she was treated by the chief, the peculiarsplendor of her apartments, seemed to indicate some high rank. Wasshe, then, the queen of the land? Was she a princess? I could nottell. At any rate, whatever she was, she seemed anxious to show methe utmost attention. Her manner was full of dignity and sweetgraciousness, and she appeared particularly anxious to make herselfunderstood. At first she spoke in a language that sounded like that ofthe chief, and was full of gutturals and broad vowels; afterward shespoke in another that was far more euphonious. I, on the other handspoke in English and in French; but of course I was as unintelligibleto her as she was to me.

  Language was, therefore, of no use. It was necessary to go back tofirst principles and make use of signs, or try to gain the mostelementary words of her language; so first of all I pointed to her,and tried to indicate that I wanted to know her name. She caught mymeaning at once, and, pointing to herself, she looked fixedly at meand said, "Almah, Almah!"

  I repeated these words after her, saying, "Almah, Almah!" She smiledand nodded, and then pointed to me with a look of inquiry that plainlyasked for my name. I said "Adam More." She repeated this, and itsounded like "A-tam-or." But as she spoke this slowly her smile diedaway. She looked anxious and troubled, and once more that expressionof wondering sadness came over her face. She repeated my name over andover in this way with a mournful intonation that thrilled through me,and excited forebodings of evil. "Atamor, Atamor!" And always afterthat she called me "Atamor."

  But now she sat for some time, looking at me with a face full of pityand distress. At this I was greatly astonished; for but a momentbefore she had been full of smiles, and it was as though something inmy name had excited sorrowful thoughts. Yet how could that be, sinceshe could never by any possibility have heard my name before? Thebeautiful Almah seemed to be not altogether happy, or why should shebe so quick to sadness? There was a mystery about all this which wasquite unaccountable.

  It was a singular situation, and one which excited within me feelingsof unutterable delight. This light and splendor, this warmth andpeace--what a contrast it offered to the scenes through which I hadbut lately passed! Those scenes of horror, of ice and snow, of stormand tempest, of cold and hunger, of riven cliff and furious oceanstream, and, above all, that crowning agony in the bleak iron-land ofthe cannibals--from all these I had escaped. I had been drawn downunder the earth to experience the terrors of that unspeakable passage,and had at last emerged to light and life, to joy and hope. In thisgrotto I had fo
und the culmination of all happiness. It was like afairy realm; and here was one whose very look was enough to inspirethe most despairing soul with hope and peace and happiness. The onlything that was now left to trouble me was this mournful face of Almah.Why did she look at me with such sad interest and such melancholymeaning? Did she know of any evil fate in store for me? Yet how couldthere be any evil fate to be feared from people who had received mewith such unparalleled generosity? No, it could not be; so I resolvedto try to bring back again the smile that had faded out of her face.

  I pointed to her, and said, "Almah."

  She said, "Atam-or."

  And the smile did not come back, but the sadness remained in her face.

  My eager desire now was to learn her language, and I resolved at onceto acquire as many words and phrases as possible. I began by askingthe names of things, such as "seat," "table," "mat," "coat," "hat,""shoe," "lamp," "floor," "wall," and all the common objects around.She gave all the names, and soon became so deeply interested that hersadness departed, and the smile came back once more. For my own part,I was always rather quick at learning languages. I had a correct earand a retentive memory; in my wanderings round the world I had pickedup a smattering of many languages, such as French, Italian, Spanish,Arabic, German, Hindoostanee, and a few others. The words which Ilearned from Almah had a remote resemblance to Arabic; and, in fact,my knowledge of Arabic was actually of some assistance, though how itwas that these people should have a language with that resemblancewas certainly a mystery, and I did not try to solve it. The beautifulAlmah soon grew immensely interested in my efforts to learn, and alsoin the English words which I gave when I pointed to any object.

  Thus I pointed to myself, and said "Man," then pointing to her, Isaid, "Woman." She laughed, and pointing to me said "Iz," and pointingto herself said, "Izza." Then I pointed to the row of lights, andsaid "Light;" she did the same, and said, "Or." Then her face grewmournful, and she pointed to me, saying "Atam-or." It struck me thenthat there was some chance resemblance between "or," the word meaning"light," and one of the syllables of my name as she pronounced it, andthat this might cause her sadness; but as I could make out nothing ofthis, I dismissed the thought, and went on with my questions. Thistook up the time, until at length someone appeared who looked like aservant. He said something, whereupon Almah arose and beckoned to meto follow. I did so, and we went to a neighboring apartment, wherethere was spread a bounteous repast. Here we sat and ate, and Almahtold me the names of all the dishes. After dinner we returned to theroom.

  It was a singular and a delightful position. I was left alone with thebeautiful Almah, who herself showed the utmost graciousness and thekindest interest in me. I could not understand it, nor did I try to;it was enough that I had such a happy lot. For hours we thus weretogether, and I learned many words. To insure remembrance, I wrotethem down in my memorandum-book with a pencil and both of these wereregarded by Almah with greatest curiosity. She felt the paper,inspected it, touched it with her tongue, and seemed to admire itgreatly; but the pencil excited still greater admiration. I signed toher to write in the book. She did so, but the characters were quiteunlike anything that I had ever seen. They were not joined like ourwriting and like Arabic letters, but were separate like our printedtype, and were formed in an irregular manner. She then showed me abook made of a strange substance. It was filled with characters likethose which she had just written. The leaves were not at all likepaper, but seemed like some vegetable product, such as the leaves ofa plant or the bark of a tree. They were very thin, very smooth, allcut into regular size, and fastened together by means of rings. Thismanuscript is written upon the same material. I afterward found thatit was universally used here, and was made of a reed that grows inmarshes.

  Here in these vast caverns there was no way by which I could tell theprogress of time, but Almah had her own way of finding out when thehours of wakeful life were over. She arose and said, "Salonla." This Iafterward found out to be common salutation of the country. I said itafter her. She then left me. Shortly afterward a servant appeared,who took me to a room, which I understood to be mine. Here I foundeverything that I could wish, either for comfort or luxury; and as Ifelt fatigue, I flung myself upon the soft bed of down, and soon wassound asleep.

  I slept for a long time. When I awoke I heard sounds in the distance,and knew that people were moving. Here in these caverns there was nodifference between day and night, but, by modes of which I wasignorant, a regular succession was observed of waking times andsleeping times.